What's New

Friday, July 20, 2012


In another 2 weeks time, I will be leaving to Scotland for my research. Funny, I actually don't feel like leaving homeland to somewhere where people say is a nice place. 

Home is always the place you go whenever you feel lost. 
Home is always the place you find comfort and safety. 

Though sometimes the people inside may be annoying. But somehow they are the people that you can rely on most of the time. I will be missing them dearly when I'm alone out there. 

I will be missing each and every single person here. It's not like I will be there for years. Yet, I'm more to a person who prefer to stick to places I am more comfortable at. 

Maybe I'm afraid of missing things after I left. Maybe I should learn to look more to the positive side. People do not have the chance to see what is happening there. Some who can afford cant have this chance just because their other half could not live one day without them. 

I need to be more contented like what my friend kept telling me. 
Try to more positive. 
Learn from mistakes and do not be afraid to ask. 
All this might be a tips for me when I'm out there in a foreign land. 

Hopefully my team mates would not fail me and at least be responsible of their own. I would, from now on, be nice for whatever reason in order to make this a pleasant trip. Many concerns always run through my mind before bed. Whether my money would be enough? Whether anything might be shorted? Whether I would be able to finish my work in time?
 Guess I should just passed all that and think of it when it really happened? 

All is well my friend. 


  1. Just enjoy it! don't think too much first.. haha
    just like what you said, All Is Well.. xD

  2. aww.. it happened to me before I leave for Taiwan..
    but this feeling only lasts for a few days haha..
    not to say that i very bad.. forget them in a few days..
    still can keep in touch always and show them care in a different way =)

    haha yaya! dont think too much first =)
    if we ady planned it.. we will sure make it to finish most of the work on time =D
    we'll all be nice to make the trip a pleasant and memorable one..
    we can count on each other..
    Smile smile~ ^^

  3. AWWW... Just saw your comments! Thanks dear~ okie okie.. I will be positive! just emo lo coz never been away from home that far and long~
